Our work with women in vulnerable situations

Our mission is to promote legal innovation to effect social change via legal projects focused on improving access to rights for the most vulnerable groups, with a special emphasis on women in social exclusion (victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking victims), vulnerable patients, forced migrants and the homeless.

Since 2014, we have worked intensively with women in vulnerable situations by developing innovative initiatives such as the “EXEQUO II Project” and the “Second Chance for vulnerable women” project, organising training activities for legal professionals and third-sector professionals in legal aspects pertaining to gender-based violence and raising awareness in the legal profession on the reality of gender-based violence, human trafficking and other forms of violence against women.

To that end, we network with pro bono lawyers, bar associations, social institutions, public administrations, universities and legal clinics.

You may consult all our products and activities with this group on our main website.

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