Accessibility criteria
The Fundación Fernando Pombo is committed to adapting its web content in order to ensure that all people, regardless of any disability they may have, their age or whether they access the web by using unconventional technological devices, can have universal access to all content on this website, without accessibility issues.
To achieve this, our accessibility criteria entails compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, level double-A, established by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), an international association formed by various organisations, both public and private, that work jointly to develop standards aimed at promoting and disseminating good practices in Web development.
Similarly, we also abide by regulations in force in Spain in this field, namely Regulation UNE 139803:2012 “Computer applications for disabled persons: Accessibility requirements for Web content”.
We are diligently working to adapt our pages, from the most recent to the oldest, in order to ultimately create a portal with the greatest number of accessible documents.
Some of the functions on aimed at enabling access to all Web content with greater ease include:
The website’s characteristics (font, colour, background, etc.) are defined in the style guide so that the user can optimally visualise all content.
Font sizes have been defined with relative units so that the user can increase or decrease font size from the browser options.
Pages have a clear structure, for both users that can see all content and those that are reading the information with a screen reader. With this in mind, section headings, lists and all elements that help with the general understanding of this web site are defined in the HTML code.
The HTML code and CSS used conform to formal grammar in order to guarantee the correct display of content in various browsers.
Web site accessibility level.
This web site abides by Level Double-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility