Ana Higuera 

CEO, Managing Director

Since 2014, Pro Bono Director – Lawyer , FUNDACIÓN FERNANDO POMBO
1997-2014  Lawyer at the law firm URÍA & MENÉNDEZ
Expert in international advocacy for the public interest.  Expert in Employment and Social Security Law.
Lines of research include public interest law matters, social responsibility in the legal practice, pro bono development, legal clinics and the role of lawyers in the Implementation of the Guiding Principles for Corporations and Human Rights. With regard to studies in the fields of Employment and Social Security Law: family benefits, workplace equality, conciliation and discrimination.
 She was recognised amongst the best pro bono lawyers in the world by the International Bar Association in 2017.
Specially remarkable is that Ana coordinated the legislative proposal that creates the Public Subsidy in Spain to protect families in case of care of children with severe ilnesses.

<h6Spanish, English and French.

  • 1998-present, Employment Law Professor, Universidad Pontificia Comillas – ICADE.
  • 2019-present, Member of the Conciliation Observatory at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • 2014-present, Employment law Professor, ESCP, Europe
  • 2010-2022,    Secretary of the MásHumano Foundation
  • 2004-2016,    Professor in the Higher Learning Programme for Employment Advice for Professionals, IE Law School
Universidad Pontificia Comillas –ICADE – Advisory Counsel for Corporations (E-1) 1991-1996.
Complutense University of Madrid School of Law. Diploma in Employment Law. 1998
Additional training: Course on conflict management and negotiation (Instituto Superior de Negociación de la Salle Graduate School, 2013); Negotiation and public speaking techniques (Escuela de Comunicación 2007); Negotiation Programme for Lawyers (Instituto de Empresa 2005).
She is regulary invited to participate as a lecturer in various national and international conferences, at universities and in the social sector.
“Adivina quién va a llevar al niño al dentista: propuestas para una sociedad centrada en las personas” (Guess who’s taking the kids to the dentist?: A proposal for a people-centred society) as part of the collaborative work “Conciliación y corresponsabilidad laboral y familiar”, Ed. Wolters Kluwer. 2020.
“Análisis de la implantación de los Principios Rectores en la abogacía internacional de los negocios” (Analysis of the implementation of the Guiding Principles in international legal practice for business) as part of the collaborative work “DD.HH. y Empresa: balance y situación actual”, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. 2019.
“The pro bono culture and context in Spain” Pro Bono Committee News, Newsletter of the International Bar Association Public and Professional Interest Division”. Ana Higuera y Carmen Pombo. May 2015.
“El día después del fin de la ultractividad de los convenios colectivos” (“The day after ultra-activity of collective bargaining agreements”), Cinco Días.
“Suspensión de contrato o reducción de jornada de trabajo por causas económicas, técnicas, organizativas o de producción en virtud del artículo 47 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores” (Suspension of employment agreements or reduction in work hours due to economic, technical, organisational or production reasons by virtue of article 47 of the Workers’ Statute). (AA.VV.) Revista de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, ICADE, nº 88, 2013.
“Estudio sobre el cuidado de menores con enfermedad grave: una propuesta normativa” (Study on the care of minors with serious illness: a regulatory proposal) (coordinator). Fundación Mujer, Familia y Trabajo (Ministry of Employment and Social Security), 2010.
“Altos directivos y administradores: estado de la cuestión” (“Senior management and directors: state of play”). Present Jurídica Uría Menéndez, núm. 24, 2009.
 “Las modificaciones del Estatuto de los Trabajadores (II)” (“Amendments to the Workers’ Statute II), in AA.VV.: Igualdad y empresa, Madrid, Pearson Educación, 2007.
“Reconocimientos médicos en el ámbito laboral. Algunas cuestiones resueltas por la doctrina constitucional” (“Medical examinations in the workplace. Questions resolved by constitutional doctrine) Present Jurídica Uría Menéndez, núm. 13, 2006.
 “Las indemnizaciones derivadas del contrato de trabajo” (Compensation resulting from employment agreements). Salarios, retribuciones e indemnizaciones. Cuadernos Cinco Días, 2001, capítulo 10.
 “Comentarios a la Ley de Procedimiento Laboral” (Commentary on the Employment Procedure Act”), Madrid, Ed. Mc Graw Hill, 2000. (AA.VV)
Periodical collaboration on Crónicas de Jurisprudencia, Justicia Laboral, Ed. Lex Nova.
  • International Bar Association –IBA-
  • Foro Español de Laboralistas (Spanish Forum of Employment Lawyers) (FORELAB)
  • European Pro Bono Alliance (PILnet)
  • Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid (ICAM) (Madrid Bar Association)