Expert in public interest international law, she was the leader of the Foundation during its first decade. An international pioneer in promoting social responsibility in the legal profession, the rule of law, the development of pro bono legal practice, the Legal Clinics and the role of lawyers in the implementation of the guiding principles of businesses and human rights.
2017 -2021: IBA Rule of Law Forum, co-chair.
2017-2021: IBA Section Public & Professional Division Council, Advisor.
2017-2021: CEEILI Institute for the Rule of Law, International Committee Advisor.
2015-present: University of Navarra School of Law, Advisory Council.
2015-2018 IBA Pro Bono Committee, Vice-Chair.
2014-2016: PILnet (Public Interest Law Global Network), Pro Bono Council.
2014-2021: IBA Poverty and Social Development Committee, Vice-Chair to Advisory Council.
2007-2008 IBA Young Lawyers Committee, Chair and creator.
“Responsabilidad social de la abogacía” (Social responsibility of the legal profession) Master’s for Access to the Bar, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid (8h) 2013 – 2020
“Business Ethics: The New Role of Corporate Lawyers” McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, Summer Program in Salzburg, (14h) 2016.
“Responsabilidad social de la abogacía” (Social responsibility of the legal profession) Master’s for Access to the Bar, ICADE (5h) 2013 – 2016
“La abogacía solidaria. La responsabilidad social de la abogacía” (Humanitarian law. Social responsibility of the legal profession) Pompeu Fabra (8h) 2014.
Multiple courses at the following universities: Universidad de Navarra, CEU, Deusto, ESADE, IE University, Univ. de Cantabria, Univ. Católica de Valencia, Univ. Europea de Madrid, Univ. de Sevilla, Univ. de Valencia, Univ. de Alcalá, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Univ. de Castilla la Mancha, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Univ. Internacional de Cataluña, UNIR, Univ. de Murcia, Georgetown Univ., Lomonosov Moscow State University.
“Business and human trafficking” chapter in Practical issues on human trafficking: an interdisciplinary vision 2022. Rafael Merino and Carmen Pombo.
“Pro Bono through blockchain” Pro Bono Committee News, Newsletter of the International Bar Association Public (IBA) and Professional Interest Division, 2020. Alejandra Martín and Carmen Pombo.
“Social entrepreneurship: a strategic growth area for law firms in the 2020s” chapter in Modern Legal Practice, Globe Law and Business 2020. Norman Clark and Carmen Pombo.
Podcast: “Poverty and the Rule of Law” IBA Rule of Law Forum and IBA Poverty and Social Development Committee, Carmen Pombo and Ian McDougall.
“EL ARTE DE ABOGAR III: Abogacía Pro Bono: cambiar el mundo también es cosa de abogados” (THE ART OF LAW III: Pro bono law: changing the world is also a task for lawyers” Revista Abogacía, of the Spanish General Law Council. January 2018. Carmen Pombo.
“Overview of significant rule of law issues in the world: 2017. Report of the Rule of Law Forum of the International Bar Association” 2018. Homer Moyer and Carmen Pombo.
“Publicación por la Asociación Internacional de la Abogacía (IBA) de la Guía sobre DD.HH. y empresas para abogados de negocios” (Publication by the International Bar Association (IBA) of the Guide on Human Rights and businesses for business lawyers” Carmen Pombo. Revista de Derecho de Sociedades 2017 Núm. 49
“The legal profession, poverty and social exclusion in Spain” Access to Justice and Legal Assistance Committee, Newsletter of the IBA, 2016. Carmen Pombo and Carolina Posse Van der Laat.
Specialisation in Foundation Management
2010: CEU, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos.
Master in Business Administration (MBA)
2005-2006: San Pablo CEU, Business School
Legal advisor for companies
1993-1998: Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE – E1).
1996-1997: Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany (ERASMUS).
1998: McGeorge School of Law, Salzburg, Austria. Fundamental Rights in Europe and the U.S.
1996: Georgetown University, Washington D.C.. Public Speaking. Improved performance.