Empresas y Derechos Humanos

UN Women: 65º Virtual Forum from the Commission for the Legal and Social Condition of Women
The Fundación Fernando Pombo participated in the 65º Virtual Forum from the Commission for the Legal and Social Condition of Women from UN Women,  held from 14 to 26 March 2021. On 16 March, the Foundation’s Director, Carmen Pombo, participated...
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“Dare to E-Defy”: gender-based violence and data protection
The Clinton Global Initiative University community (CGIU), an initiative promoted by the Clinton Foundation, has selected our project “Dare to E-Defy”. For many years, the Fundación Fernando Pombo has tirelessly worked to defend the rights of victims of gender-based violence,...
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Participation in a forum on innovation in trafficking
The Asociación TRABE and Fundación Fernando Pombo have been invited to participate and form part of the initiative “Open Innovation Community for the construction of safe environments in the field of human trafficking in the Community of Madrid”, from the...
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Business and Human Rights: Assessment and Current Situation on the Fulfilment of the Three Pillars
The Ruggie Principles support the self-regulation of businesses as the most efficient method to make business respect human rights when they have a global business presence, thereby complementing traditional protection systems. The volume Business and Human Rights: Assessment and Current...
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