
Guide for the application and renewal of the residence and work permit in Spain.
We present the Guide for the application and renewal of residence and work permits in Spain (Guía para la tramitación de la solicitud y renovación del permiso de residencia y trabajo en España, in spanish), produced in collaboration with the...
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Practical issues on human trafficking: an interdisciplinary vision
We present the guide “Practical issues on human trafficking: an interdisciplinary vision” (Cuestiones prácticas sobre la trata de seres humanos: una visión interdisciplinar, in Spanish) of the Rights for Change project, which is born after the research phase and based...
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Practical guide “Possible applications of the Second Chance Act to people in vulnerable situations”.
In 2015, the Fernando Pombo Foundation launched the “Second Chance” Project to help improve the lives of vulnerable people who are also in a situation of over-indebtedness. To do so, we analysed different situations and real cases in collaboration with...
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“Legal kit” against gender-based violence through digital media in adolescence
We present the practical guide "Violencia de género por medios digitales en la adolescencia. Dudas legales más frecuentes" and the informative brochure "No lo elimines ¡denúncialo!", with which we hope to contribute to generate greater confidence and legal certainty for...
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Proposal for legislative actions to boost #SeniorTalent.
On November 17, the third edition of "La Decisión SAVIA" took place at ENDESA's offices, an event dedicated to the senior talent of people over 50 years old, which is developed within the framework of the "Generación SAVIA" project, promoted...
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We were awarded the PILnet Global Awards 2021
Two projects presented by the Fernando Pombo Foundation, "Gender violence through digital media in adolescents" and "Primero H Socimi", have been recognized in the prestigious Global Awards of PILnet (Public Interest Law Network), a global organization of reference in the...
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Advocacy and lobbying for trafficking victims
The Asociación TRABE and Fundación Fernando Pombo have been invited to take part in a forum on social and political impact in human trafficking for sexual exploitation. This forum, organised by The Good Lobby with the support of the Porticus...
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Seminar: “Social Responsibility in the Legal Profession”, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The Cuatrecasas, Garrigues, Profesor Uría and Fernando Pombo Foundations, along with the CRSA from the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM), are co-organising a seminar on social responsibility in the legal profession aimed at students at the School of Law at the...
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Sesión en abierto sobre tecnología y pro bono
Co-organizamos y participamos en la sesión gratuita y en abierto: “The use of technology in pro bono – advantages, pitfalls and lessons learned”, en el Congeso anual de la International Bar Association (Asociación mundial de la abogacía), que este año...
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