Video presentation introducing the Fundación Fernando Pombo.
“Mothers of “ – 1st Edition of the EXEQUO Project.
“Put yourself in their shoes” – 2nd Edition of the EXEQUO Project.
“Companies and Human Rights: the role of the Legal profession”.
Humanitarian Talent Revolution. Video produced within the framework of the X Anniversary of the Humanitarian Talent programme of the Fundación Botín.
The Foundation takes part in the conference “The Legal Profession for the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals”, organised by the General Council of the Spanish Legal Profession (Consejo General de la ABogacía Española, CGAE).
“We must humanise technology in order to place Human Rights at the forefront of all technological advancements”, interview with Rafael Merino. Fundación SERES.
Public policies for peace and justice through universities 2020 Deusto. Carmen Pombo.
Public policies for peace and justice through universities 2020 Deusto.
The Legal Profession and SDGs (lecture by Carmen Pombo – CGAE).
Human Rights. Carmen Pombo. Bbrainers.
Carmen Pombo: Pro bono is a ‘new concept’ in Spain 2013.
The Social Responsibility of the Legal Profession – UCLM.
Mission of the Fundación Fernando Pombo. Bbrainers 2018.
Human Rights, Business & Law Firms. BBrainers 2018.
What are social impact vouchers? Bbrainers 2018.
UN Foundation Honors LexisNexis CEO Mike Walsh with Leadership Award for Advancing Rule of Law (Carmen Pombo) 2019.
What is the second opportunity Act? Bbrainers 2018.
Pro Bono Lawyers Fundación Fernando Pombo.
Guide for a Second Opportunity for vulnerable persons. Presentation 2018.
Project EXEQUO PSH 2015.
PILnet Budapest: Women Love 2017.
TV Commitment Fundación Fernando Pombo 2014.
PILnet Budapest: Women Love 2017.
Fundación Seres. We must humanize technology (Rafael Merino) 2019.
Advice for Law students and young jurists.
Lecture by Carmen Pombo at the “IV A Time for Rights Congress” (IV Congreso El Tiempo de los Derechos).